Staying Active: 12 Tips for the Elderly

There are many ways to build more activity into your daily life and improve your health. Here are some suggestions you may want to consider:

1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
2. Walk to a neighbor's house to chat instead of using the phone.
3. Organize your housework so you can use more energy.
4. Get off the bus a block early and walk home.
5. Mow your lawn.
6. Sweep your walks and patio.
7. Park at the far end of the parking lot.
8. Walk to the store.
9. Take your dog for a walk or offer to walk a friend's dog.
10. Enroll in a dance class.
12. Move around your house as you open your mail or watch television instead of sitting in your easy chair.

Source: UW Northwest Prevention Effectiveness Center

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